Joefel Agenda for the good people of edo state

Hon (Dr) Felix Akhabue is a man of his words and has always set the pace for others to follow in the political positions he has held.

Agriculture & Food Security

On agriculture, he's promising to give focus to commercial and industrial agriculture, and shall unlock the rural economy and designate special economy across the rural zones. Also providing support to farmers which will lead to food sufficiency and security.

Job & Wealth Creation

To create an enabling environment for jobs & wealth creation, leading to massive employment. Also, empowerment of citizens especially the youths.

Portable Water

To address the issue of portable water challenges in the three senatorial districts.


On Education, which is the bedrock of every society, he's promising to see that Edo students are equipped with world-class skills, apprenticeship, and enhancement Programs, equipped classrooms and libraries for effective learning, and also a mandatory standard, technical, and scientific Education in our primary, secondary and tertiary institutions with a good edge in job competitiveness upon graduation.

Projects &Better Services

On projects, unlike others who come and abandon projects of the previous governments, he's promising to continue and finish up the ongoing projects started by the current government while he'll introduce new ones accordingly.


On technology, been an excellent entrepreneur who knows the importance of having a digital skill, he's promising to give focus on telecommunication, IT and software, including cloud engineering, and cyber security, among other skills.

Autonomy to Local Government

To ensure their allocation is given at the right time and grant the local government control over the management of their resources.

Better Health Care

To develop sustainable health facilities and scheme in the state

Development of the Tourism Sector

To establish a framework that will maximise the potenial of the state.

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